The Tuesday Ten: {Patio Refresh with World Market}

I am so excited to be teaming up with World Market for this week's Tuesday Ten post!  They are having a great sale on a variety of outdoor items so it is the perfect time to get your patio ready for spring!  Whether your patio needs a complete overhaul or just a few new touches, World Market has you covered!  Check out this sale...

I had a blast designing my dream patio!  I love using neutral furnishings with different color accents...that way you can change up the accessories when you are ready for a new look!  I absolutely love the potting bench...I am hoping that will be on my patio very soon!

Click on image for details:

And just for fun and because all these items are on sale, I wanted to share more items that I love!

Outdoor Rugs:

Accent Furniture:



So many awesome items at such great prices!  Don't forget, the sale ends 4/26/15!  Use the code SUNNYDAYS at checkout to save!!  To see all the items on sale, head over to

Thank you, World Market, for sponsoring this post! 
The Tuesday Ten: {Patio Refresh with World Market} The Tuesday Ten: {Patio Refresh with World Market} Reviewed by begawan on 12:18 AM Rating: 5

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